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谷歌Android Wear平台或开启可穿戴设备时
调查称多数人买iPad就像买电脑 至少用2年才换一次
调查称多数人买iPad就像买电脑 至少用2年才换一次



上图从上至下依次为iPhone、 Mac、电视机、iPod等设备的消费情况。





    这些发现出自美消费者调查研究机构——消费者情报研究合作伙伴公司(Consumer Intelligence Research Partners,CIRP)新近发布的一项报告。这个机构调查了2,000名在2013年购买了iPhone、iPad或Mac的美国消费者。它的调查发现如下(见下方图表):

    • 更换:每十部丢失或损坏的iPhone中,有八部两天内即得到了更换。而当Mac或iPad损坏时,用户可能要一周后、甚至更长的时间才会更换。

    • 循环利用:iPad用户将自己的旧设备送给朋友或家人的比例比iPhone用户高出一倍多。

    • 首次购买者:iPhone买家中,只有1-2%的人是首次购买者。相比之下,iPad买家中,首次购买者的比例在2013年12月为78%,仅略低于2013年3月的84%。



    For Apple (AAPL), the iPhone is a sale that keeps on giving -- at least in the U.S. Once a customer has bought one, he or she is likely to come back for another, usually within two years, when that contract expires.

    The iPad is a like a big iPhone in some respects. The two devices share a huge library of apps and many usage patterns, particularly in terms of e-mail, Web surfing and game-playing (but not video watching).

    In terms of how often they are traded in for a new model, however, and what happens to the old, they may be more like Macs (which tend to get replaced every 2-4 years) or, worse still, TVs (5-10 years).

    These findings come from a new report by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, which surveyed 2,000 U.S. customers who purchased an iPhone, iPad or Mac in 2013.

    Among its findings (see charts below):

    • Replacement: Eight out of ten lost or broken iPhones are replaced within two days. Owners of a broken Mac or iPad may not get to it for a week or more.

    • Recycling: iPad owners are more than twice as likely as iPhone owners to give their old tablets to a friend or family member.

    • First-time buyers: Only 1-2% of iPhone buyers purchase their very first phone. By contrast, the percentage of first-time iPad buyers was 78% in December 2013, down only slightly from 84% in March 2013.

    "We think Apple would prefer the iPad become a big iPhone," the report concludes. "We suspect, though, based on recent CIRP data about how buyers use them, that it's as much like a Mac, TV, or iPod, with less frequent replacement."

    More CIRP charts:



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